

Providing Milwaukee
With Pawsome
Pet Sitting &
Pet Walking Services!

Dog With Leash

PAWSOME Pet Sitters takes pride in developing long standing relationships with our clients and their pets. We are not a national franchise or large corporation, but instead a local business that connects with clients and pets of Milwaukee.

Whether it is regularly scheduled dog walking or once a year pet sitting visits, we take the time to get to know you and offer reliable services you can’t find elsewhere. We have a committed team that you can rely on day-in and day-out for the services your dogs, cats and critters need!

You will get to know your pet caregiver and so will you pets. This enables us to create routine and trust which is very important. With these other national companies, you never know who your pet sitter or dog walker will be or if they will even show up!

Not only do we build great relationship within our community of pet owners, but our services help to develop the 4 bond between pet and owner. We provide a helping hand, offering the services your dogs love and need such as walks, exercise, potty breaks, love, belly rubs and more!

We have worked hard and take pride in offering great customer service for you and your pets. This is how we maintain an awesome review rating, we are always willing to adapt and adjust to your specific pet's needs.

Our Pet
Sitting Services

- Personalized Sitter Based On Your Pet
- Overnight Stay & Flexible Hours
- Low-Rates

Other Pet
Sitting Services

- Random Sitter For Your Pet
- Strict Hours
- High Rates